Relapse Prevention Group


Relapse Prevention Group is for all three areas of alcohol, drug and opioid addiction. These groups focus on prevention strategies and recovery, understanding life after addiction, and learning to administer tools to maintain sobriety. Providing clients/families with knowledge on resources, identifying triggers, coping with high-risk situations, managing stress, healthy alternatives and personal engagement in managing the recovery process are highlighted.

Participants who have completed the 16-week educational programming or are in addiction recovery are provided an open environment for ongoing support. This program aims to support clients in the following ways:

  • Educate individuals and families about their right to access support

  • Work on coping skills and addressing potential re- lapse situations

  • Manage single lapse from turning into relapse

  • Continue working on identifying triggers, boundaries and steps to recovery

Relapse Prevention Group runs an in-person meeting every Friday from 12 PM to 1:30 PM for 8 sessions.